Ethical Collections

Zepto’s open banking capabilities, real-time consent framework and superior collection solutions can be configured to help merchants align a customer’s real-time capacity to pay, with their willingness to pay.

Transform collection costs

The cost of traditional debt recovery is huge. It is adversarial and impersonal, recovery rates are low, and the experience for both parties is poor. Zepto reduces costs, increases collections, eliminates dishonours, and revolutionises customer experience.

Engineered for outcomes

Blend open banking, automated communication, and real-time customer consent and payment initiation to enable collection processes to align with individual, real-time financial realities.

Consumer first

Not only does Zepto's solution increase collection rates and reduce costs significantly, it flips the process on its head and makes it easy for consumers to set up and control their debt repayment plans. It puts people and morality at the heart of payments innovation. #WinWin

Open banking for the people

We believe that open banking is more than just a safe and secure connection to consumer data, it is an ideology that can deliver positive social outcomes for everyone.

Contact us to see how open banking can drive efficiency, improve customer experience and transform your business.


It’s time to level the paying field

Financial Services

Zepto helps organisations reimagine the way money moves through the financial services industry


Zepto’s API and easy integration gives merchants the benefits of tomorrow’s payments ecosystem today.

Are you ready to level the paying field?

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