Today, Split Payments became Zepto.

Welcome to Zepto

Trevor Wistaff

Trevor Wistaff | FOUNDER & CTO

31st August 2021

Today, Split Payments became Zepto. The new brand represents the ambition and evolution of a business that set out in 2018 to solve a particular payment issue in the tourism industry. In the years since its foundation, that business–Split Payments–evolved and enhanced its capabilities, grew its team, and developed a reputation for excellence, precision, speed and agility.

The new brand represents the ambition and evolution of a business that set out in 2018 to solve a particular payment issue in the tourism industry. In the years since its foundation, that business–Split Payments–evolved and enhanced its capabilities, grew its team, and developed a reputation for excellence, precision, speed and agility.

To truly understand Zepto is to understand our merchant journey

Founder and Chief Technology Officer, Trevor Wistaff

That journey began when the company’s four founders–Matt Cheers, Ian Lennie, Adrian Kennedy and Trevor Wistaff–set out to solve the biggest challenge they experienced as successful entrepreneurs and merchants operating Australia’s largest skydiving enterprise: payments.

One might think that managing dozens of aircraft, buses and drop-zones, and hundreds of staff might have been their primary source of angst. But their greatest frustration was actually payments, and the consent mechanism that underpins them. First as Split Payments, and now as Zepto, the founders have unpacked a real-life merchant experience into a payment solutions tech-infrastructure company on a mission to enable merchants to freely devise their own innovative, embedded payment experiences.

The business has scaled extraordinarily since it launched from a garage in Byron Bay in 2018. Even more extraordinary, perhaps, is that just two years later, Split Payments was named 'Australia's Most Innovative Technology Company’ at the annual AFR / BOSS 'Most Innovative Companies' awards.

The advantage we had from the get-go is that we didn't start out as bankers trying to solve a merchant problem. We started with an intimate understanding of what merchants need because we started off as merchants ourselves.

Trevor Wistaff

The team has spent the last few years carving out its place in the market, understanding what the market responds to, and what it really needs.

“Each vertical has a slightly different requirement or something that grinds its gears a bit more than the next one. So we're at a point where we have a clear understanding of what our product is and where it's going into the future,” adds Trev who sees the rebrand from ‘Split’ to Zepto as a bookmark signifying the start of a new chapter.

Accelerating expectations, technology advances and regulatory change have delivered a once-in-a-generation opportunity to reimagine payments. Zepto is at a crossroads of open banking, real time payments, changing consumer habits, rapidly evolving merchant capability and, importantly, a melting pot of opportunity. 

Zepto’s influence will be profound. It’s hard to express how passionate we are about this. We have an incredible opportunity to redefine what is possible.

CEO, Chris Jewell

But first, let’s define ‘Zepto’.

The smallest and most precise measure of time ever recorded is 247 zeptoseconds. A zeptosecond is a trillionth of a billionth of a second. That’s a decimal point followed by 20 zeros and a one. It’s ten-to-the-minus-21. It is the ultimate moment in time. 

Like, right now.

“What Zepto represents to us is not just speed of transaction, it's the speed and precision of our integrations, the velocity of money in our economy, and the global pace of innovation in our sector. Zepto is built for this moment,” says Chris

They say timing is everything.

It’s time to level the paying field.

Welcome to Zepto.

Written By
Trevor Wistaff

Trevor Wistaff | FOUNDER & CTO

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