Meet the team: Interview with Suzie Slingsby

Meet the team: Interview with Suzie Slingsby

Meet Suzie Slingsby, Split Payments’ Head of Sales & Relationships-weapon.
I had been watching Split Payments over the past 6 months or so as I was impressed with the leaps and bounds they had been making in the real-time payments space. When I met the founders and saw first hand 1) what an amazing bunch they are and 2) what their innovation pathway was, I couldn’t come onboard quick enough!

What are you most passionate about in your professional life?

love people. Finding solutions that really fix a pain point, bring their business to the next level, or even just enhance their functionality and save them some money certainly hits the spot.

You join us at an unprecedented time, where we are having to deal with some hard realities. How are you coping?

Thanks for asking! It certainly is a crazy time and I count my blessings every day that I live in such an amazing country and even more specifically a spectacular part of Australia where relatively speaking, our life can still continue in a ‘normalish’ manner. Even the ability to work out of an office with co-workers is something I really appreciate being able to do right now.

Please share something about yourself.

My family and I are avid travelers and are looking forward to being able to hit the skies again. Happiness for me is being surrounded by friends and family, enjoying good food and wine, and making the most of the beautiful great outdoors.

Connect with Suzie on LinkedIn.

Want to be part of the Split Payments team?

In 2020, Split will be recruiting for a wide variety of roles, including Senior Software Engineers, Project Managers and Sales Executives.

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